18 Months baby survived the tsunami Mentawai
Mentawai - There are amazing stories behind ferociously tsunami rolls in Mentawai District, which killed hundreds of people. A baby boy aged 18 months survived after being in the grove of trees for three days.
As reported by the cbsnews, Thursday (28/10/2010), the rescue the baby was a 10-year-old boy who initially heard the baby crying in the clump of trees on the coast of South Pagai, Mentawai. The child then takes the baby to the nearest health center.
Health workers, Hermansyah said the baby suffered head injuries. Hermasyah also ensure that both parents the baby had died.
As reported by the cbsnews, Thursday (28/10/2010), the rescue the baby was a 10-year-old boy who initially heard the baby crying in the clump of trees on the coast of South Pagai, Mentawai. The child then takes the baby to the nearest health center.
Health workers, Hermansyah said the baby suffered head injuries. Hermasyah also ensure that both parents the baby had died.
This story is only one of the many stories of pain behind the roll of the tsunami waves that swept several areas in the Mentawai Islands. Loss of life and who still have not found keeps growing.
Data obtained by the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) death toll rose to 394 people and 312 people missing.
7.2 magnitude earthquake shook the Mentawai Islands, on Monday (25/10) yesterday. The tsunami swept 4 district, the District Sikakap, North Pagai, South Pagai, and South Sipora, was reported missing.
In the Mentawai Earthquake occurred at 21:40 pm. BMKB lifted a tsunami warning an hour later. Tomorrow afternoon there has been just caught the tsunami as high as 3-7 meters in the Mentawai Islands.
Data obtained by the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) death toll rose to 394 people and 312 people missing.
7.2 magnitude earthquake shook the Mentawai Islands, on Monday (25/10) yesterday. The tsunami swept 4 district, the District Sikakap, North Pagai, South Pagai, and South Sipora, was reported missing.
In the Mentawai Earthquake occurred at 21:40 pm. BMKB lifted a tsunami warning an hour later. Tomorrow afternoon there has been just caught the tsunami as high as 3-7 meters in the Mentawai Islands.
Merapi eruption NEWS PHOTOS: Merapi erupts Friday Morning
KOMPAS IMAGES / Kristianto Purnomo The peak of Mount Merapi out hot clouds or trash visible from Hamlet wedhus Gondang, Balerante Village, District Kemalang, Klaten, Central Java, on Friday (10/29/2010). Merapi out hot clouds at 6:14 pm which is estimated to reach 1.5 kilometers towards the west. At the mouth of the mountain out hot clouds can reach temperatures of about 1000-1100 degrees Celsius and has a sliding speeds up to 300 kilometers per hour.KOMPAS IMAGES / Kristianto Purnomo
Mount Merapi out hot clouds or trash visible from Hamlet wedhus Gondang, Balerante Village, District Kemalang, Klaten, Central Java, on Friday (10/29/2010). Merapi out hot clouds at 6:14 pm that luncurannya estimated at 1.5 kilometers to the west. When the exit temperature of hot clouds of the mountain's mouth can reach about 600 to 1100 degrees centigrade and has a sliding speeds up to 300 kilometers per hour.
Merapi eruptionNEWS PHOTOS: Merapi erupts Friday Morning
YOGYAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Mount Merapi back out clouds of hot or wedhus trash on Friday (29/10/2010) morning at around 6:14 pm. Hot clouds glide time is estimated to reach 1.5 miles to the west.
Heat clouds clot visible from Hamlet Gondang, Balerante Village, District Kemalang, Klaten, Central Java. At the mouth of the mountain out hot clouds can reach temperatures of about 600 to 1100 degrees Celsius and has a sliding speeds up to 300 kilometers per hour.
This is the third eruption since Tuesday (26/10/2010). Volcanic activity again showed an increase since Thursday afternoon. Even at night also had seen.
Not only hot clouds, since the early morning peak of Mount Merapi, also look inflamed issue lava. SAR team with the help of communication devices and loudspeakers incessantly give warning when Merapi spewing hot clouds.
Some effect of Solar Storm in 2012
2012 Solar Storm attack may cause the Great Disaster
According to British website reports “New Scientist”, the purpose of the storm the sun or solar storm activity cycle is powerful explosions from the top of the sunspots activity (sunspot), usually every 11 years will be entering a period of solar storm activity. American scientists recently warned that by 2012 the earth will experience a powerful solar storm (Solar Blast), rusakanya power would be much greater than the wind storm “Katrina”, and almost all people on earth will not be able to escape from the impact of disasters.
Strong storms in 2012 the Sun will Attacking
22 September 2012 at midnight, the sky of New York, Manhattan United States will be covered by a shaft of light color screen-warni.Di southern region of New York is, very few people can see this aurora phenomenon. However, the feeling of enjoying the beauty of this landscape will not last long. After a few seconds, all electric light bulbs in the region was getting dark and blinking erratically, then the light rays in an instant suddenly grew brighter, and light bulbs become incredibly bright. Furthermore, all the lights went out. 90 seconds later, the entire eastern United States will experience a power cut. A year later, millions of Americans begin to die, the state of infrastructure will become a heap of ruins. The World Bank will announce the U.S. turned into a developing country. At the same time, Europe, China and Japan and other regions or countries will also be the same as the United States, struggling in this time of disaster. This disaster comes from the sun or solar storms terrible storm, occurred on the surface of the sun is 150 million km from Earth.
American Detection Tool Successfully Taking Photos Storm Sun
Perhaps the story sounds impossible, in normal circumstances would not the sun can cause major disaster like that on Earth. However, a special report issued by the National Academy of Sciences, the United States in January 2009 stated that a disaster like this is likely to occur. The study was sponsored by NASA. In a few decades, the development of human societies, Western civilization has been planted the seeds for their own destruction. The way in excess of modern life which is highly dependent on science and technology, accidentally makes us more trapped in a super-dangerous conditions. Plasma balls are emitted in the eruption of the sun’s surface may be destroying our electricity network, resulting in terrible disaster. Daniel Becker of the University of Colorado, an expert on space weather is the originator of a special report from the Academy of Sciences of the United States, “Right now we are getting closer to the possibility of this disaster. If people can not prepare the mature deng disaster solar storm that will hit this. These solar storms may decide mankind electricity supply, cell phone signals, even including the water supply system. ”
However, there are some experts who express different views, they consider the impact of solar storms mainly concentrated in the outer space, and because the barrier effect of the earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere, interference effects will not be too real to life on earth. Experts say, when the active solar storm activity, would occur continuously burning and explosion in sunspot, when a large amount of ultraviolet light causes the release layer density in the ionosphere above the earth the sky suddenly increased, absorbing short wave energy out, so the short-wave radio signals upset. But the phone is used in everyday life, including the transmission of radio signals through the ionosphere layer, so that in general the impact of solar storms on communications in the earth’s surface would not be significant. In theory, in general the intensity of solar storms will not be able to break through the protection of the atmosphere and Earth’s magnetic field, so fatally threatened species in the earth. But for the year 2012 solar storm experts fear may be an exception.
Maybe Disaster Brings Big Impact on Earth
United States scientists have warned that, in 2012 a strong solar storms on the earth will bring great disaster to human beings, which will affect every aspect of modern society. The experts who issued a warning to atakan, the impact of solar storms on the Earth is probably the “domino effect”. Just think, if the electricity network to be fragile and unstable, things related to electricity supply businesses also will be a victim: refrigeration equipment stops, food and medicines are stored in refrigerated space in a large number will lose the storage conditions and damaged; pump suddenly stopped working, drinking water to the society will be a problem. In addition, because the interference with satellite signals, GPS positioning system will be garbage. Actually at the beginning of 1859 had similar cases, solar storms blasting the moment even their cable network ngakibatkan fire damage. Of course now the earth is covered by cable and wireless facilities, but the facility is difficult to hold the test solar storms.
When a strong solar storm strikes, the human race on earth will face two major problems. First, is about a modern electricity network problems now. Modern electricity networks typically use high voltage to cover a wider area, this will allow electricity network operations more efficient, you can reduce electricity losses during transmission, as well as electrical losses due to excessive production. However, he also collectively more vulnerable to space weather attack. transmission network will become very vulnerable and unstable, or possibly even causing a total halt. and this is only the first domino effect, then may also cause a “paralyzed traffic, communication is lost, the financial industry collapsed and chaotic public facilities; pump stopped causing drinking water supplies cut off, the lack of cooling facilities, food and medicine are hard to keep effective. Scientists have predicted when there is a strong solar storm intensity may lead to social and economic losses of human, only the first year alone the losses reach U.S. $ 1-2 trillion, while the recovery and reconstruction is required at least 4-10 years
The second issue is about the problem of electricity network system interdependencies that support our modern life, such as problems of water and waste management, logistics infrastructure problems supermarkets, electrical relay station control issues, financial and other markets that depend on electricity. If the two issues combined into one, we can clearly see that the incident appeared likely return Carrington solar storms is likely to cause a rare major disasters. Adviser special report from the National Academy of Sciences of the United States and the electric power industry analyst John Kappenman considered “Disasters such as this disaster compared to what we usually imagine the total opposite. usually less developed areas prone to disasters attack, but in this disaster, the region’s growing more vulnerable to disasters. ”
Preparing Not Human
Facing the possibility of a serious disaster that would have befallen the United States and the whole human race did not immediately respond to a job well prepared to face the next solar storm cycle. Becker says that because the likelihood of large-scale solar storms is very small, “The whole society does not even respond, but only noticed the problem before the eyes”. Of weather on Earth, scientists can track weather the storm that will happen over the next few days, and issue appropriate warnings to local residents, but the storm the sun or space weather is completely different. Backer said that today we still can not accurately predict the time and the power of solar storms, which can be predicted by me and my partner only if a large solar storm strikes, we are absolutely not able to handle it. ”
This is similar to early warning and hurricane disaster man on earth, today’s human race depends mainly on the prediction of the sunspot cycle to monitor the intensity of solar storms and their impact on the earth. What is meant by sunspot is a process of improvement and significant reduction in the number of sunspot every 11 years. Cycle is calculated starting from the lowest sunspot activity on the sun. In the active period will be increased sunspot, solar storms that occur will be more. When solar storms occur, high-speed particles and the flow of ions formed by electrically charged particles emitted largely by the sun will affect the earth’s magnetic field layer, ionosphere and neutral atmosphere conditions. In this issue of the impact of solar storms hazards, more than a century, people continue to monitor sunspot activity.
Gate hell in Turkmenistan
Crater 60 meters wide and 20 meters continue to burn in for 38 years.
There is a strange phenomenon in the Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan.
Near the remote village, inhabited Derweze 350 people, there is a crater 60 meters wide and within 20 meters. This crater is constantly out the fire and burned for 38 years.
By local residents, smoldering crater is known as Crater Gas Darvaza or also better known as the 'Gate of Hell'. This crater can be seen from a distance of several kilometers.
This is not a natural phenomenon, but rather the result of industrial accidents. In 1971, a Soviet drilling rig accident on an underground cave that stores natural gas in massive quantities.
It causes the ground to collapse and the whole rig drilling into it. Toxic natural gas leaking from the hole.
To overcome the potential environmental disaster, the Soviets set up a hole. The crater is not stopped burning since then.
This phenomenon has attracted foreign tourists who travel to Turkmenistan. Video 'Gate of Hell' as well be hits on YouTube, and accessible to millions of people - even if some one mentions the location, in Uzbekistan.
In April 2010, the President of Turkmenistan, Kurbanguly Berdymukhamedov 'Gate of Hell'.
He ordered local authorities to find ways to overcome them and ensure that will not hamper the development of gas fields nearby.
Berdymukhamedov said that "this anomaly 'has hindered the development of underground exploration industry in Karakum.
There is a strange phenomenon in the Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan.
Near the remote village, inhabited Derweze 350 people, there is a crater 60 meters wide and within 20 meters. This crater is constantly out the fire and burned for 38 years.
By local residents, smoldering crater is known as Crater Gas Darvaza or also better known as the 'Gate of Hell'. This crater can be seen from a distance of several kilometers.
This is not a natural phenomenon, but rather the result of industrial accidents. In 1971, a Soviet drilling rig accident on an underground cave that stores natural gas in massive quantities.
It causes the ground to collapse and the whole rig drilling into it. Toxic natural gas leaking from the hole.
To overcome the potential environmental disaster, the Soviets set up a hole. The crater is not stopped burning since then.
This phenomenon has attracted foreign tourists who travel to Turkmenistan. Video 'Gate of Hell' as well be hits on YouTube, and accessible to millions of people - even if some one mentions the location, in Uzbekistan.
In April 2010, the President of Turkmenistan, Kurbanguly Berdymukhamedov 'Gate of Hell'.
He ordered local authorities to find ways to overcome them and ensure that will not hamper the development of gas fields nearby.
Berdymukhamedov said that "this anomaly 'has hindered the development of underground exploration industry in Karakum.
Angelita cenote Mexico Rivers Under the Sea
Maybe this is a miracle in this world that is extraordinary or maybe a mystery, the last few days, we in the news hebohkan FOUND IN THE DEEP RIVER, from one person to another to spread without any prior verification, even if they search for keywords who used the internet remains the same "RIVER OF THE DEEP" is precisely what makes them more confident, because that was found was the same story.
There are places in Mexico called cenote Angelita, Angelita cenote is a flooded cave. This cave is the miracle of the 2 layers of water. The first is a layer of 30 meters of fresh water, at a depth of 60 meter salt water changes. This in itself is a sign of the greatness of Allah, the Almighty. Then there is the cave at the bottom of a river complete with tree branches. Now this is what later became news RIVER UNDER THE SEA.
flow of fresh water or gas containing H2S Hydrogen Sulfide. WHAT Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)?
according to experts Hydrogen sulfide, H2S, a colorless gas, toxic, flammable, and smells like rotten eggs. These gases can arise from biological activity when bacteria break down organic material in a state without oxygen (anaerobic digestion), such as in swamps, and waste. This gas also appeared on the gas arising from volcanic activity and natural gas.
Hydrogen sulfide or H2S is a toxic gas. This gas can be found dissolved in sea, lake or river water. At sea or in lakes or rivers, this gas comes from the sulfate reducing bacterial activity in anaerobic environment or a low oxygen environment. anaerobic conditions at three environments in essence, a few inches feet below the surface of the bottom sediments, or in environments that have poor water circulation so that the environment lacks oxygen.
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